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Facebook's new feature "saves" interesting news for later

Up until now, if a Facebook friend shared something interesting and you wanted to save it to read later, there wasn't a good way of doing that. The only options were to post it to your Timeline for everyone to see, or just try to remember to search for it later.

Now, Facebook has announced a new feature called "Save" that allows users to save interesting links privately to read later.

Whether on mobile or web, if Facebook users see an item they wish to access later, they can do so by clicking "More" and then hitting "Save." Not only applicable to links, users can save places, music, television shows and so on.

Saved items will automatically be grouped by category. They can be accessed on through the "More" tab on mobile or the "Saved" link on the left hand side of their homepage. Saved items can only be viewed by users on their own Facebook account, and Facebook says it will send users reminders about items they've saved.

Facebook posted the video below, showing how it works. The new feature will be rolled out over the next few weeks, according to the company.

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